How can Hypnotherapy Help?


Hypnotherapy can help people that suffer from any of the following:

• Anxiety
• Childbirth
• Concentration
• Depression
• Exam nerves
• Fears/Phobias
• Panic Attacks
• Smoking cessation
• Stress management
• Weight Loss
• and many other problems


Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and concentration where certain senses are enhanced. We have all experienced a hypnotic state, when we become absorbed in an activity such as reading, or painting a picture. You can become lost in your surroundings and lose awareness of time. In this altered state of awareness you are more receptive to suggestion.

During a session the hypnotherapist will help facilitate this relaxed state of mind and body by encouraging you to focus on her voice. Once in a relaxed state the therapist will encourage you to explore the origin of any problems and help you release them. Replacing them with new positive empowering behaviour.

Hypnotherapy is nothing like stage hypnosis. You cannot be made to do or say anything against your will. The only changes that will occur are positive ones that you wish to happen.


How many sessions will I need?


Usually a minimum of two sessions are required because you are more receptive during the second session. However some people only need one session and others need up to six. This depends on the person and the reason for seeking therapy. This will be discussed during the initial consultation.